Pandita Ramabai (1858-1922)

Ramabai was born as the sixth child to Anant Shastri Dongre and Lakshmibai. Her father earned his living by rendering Vedic recitals in temples, teaching and narrating Puranas in public platform and other similar activities as performed by a devout Brahmin. The family lived under severe economic strain. with famine sweeping the region the economic …

Idea of India

One of the placards held by one of the protesters in the Citizens March organized on the 9th of January caught my attention. it said, “Will someone return to me the country that I was proud of as a Child.” the words somehow resonated with me, stirring in my mind the pictures of that India …

Christmas Vignettes

For the last several weeks and months, every morning I open the newspaper to read that the economy is doing badly; that the Indian economy grew by less than 5 percent in 2019 and that perhaps worse is yet to come. Newspaper headlines come to life in other ways; at the market, a lot of …

Treasuring Up

With Christmas round the corner, carols cannot be far behind. In an old BBC programme on Christmas carols that I was listening to the other day, the anchor asked the singers what Christmas meant to them. The response usually was, ‘It is a time to be with family and friends.’ The season resonates with such …