AS TRACI, we are honoured to publish this Festschrift in honour of Rev.C.B Samuel on his 70th birthday (23rd Aug), written by more that 20 authors from India and abroad and edited by Dr.Bonnie Miriam Jacob.

Generally, “public theology discussions have primarily been the domain of the academicians or the theologians and not within the church.” An exploration of the topic will flood you with critical scholarship covering various nuances the theme has generated over the many decades of research and dialogue. Public Theology, particularly with regard to Christianity in the West today, occupies a central spot in the ongoing conversations. The expansion of such an enquiry into the Asian context in general and India in particular is relatively much lesser in comparison. A quick exploration of this conversation sets the premise for understanding Public Theology. This clarity also provides the background to the reflections that ensue in the book. The essays in this volume attempt to take the conversations on Public theology out of the confines of the academic and theological institutions and explore it as it is lived out in the public sphere. “Public theology is no longer to be found solely in the academy, asserts Andries van Aarde, but is the work of others who engage public issues, seek the common good and appeal to the transcendent ….” This common good vis-à-vis public issues stretches the scope of Public theology to include every Christian expressing his faith in practical ways. The learnings and reflections that emerge from an engagement at the grassroots, as evident in the essays, are their responses to a contextual reading of the Scripture and bring an articulation of Public Theology, which is grounded in the Word.

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