Father Stanislaus Lourduswamy – A Baton of Hope and Life

“But we will still sing in chorus. A caged bird can still sing.” Fr. Stanislaus Lourduswamy  On the Chota Nagpur Plateau of the Indian subcontinent lies a dense and rich forest track, spoken as Jharkhand. The State of Jharakhand is one of the recent States added to the Union of India, carved out of the …


 PEACE & CONFLICT- A REPORT Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra, (Secretary for Dialogue and Social Engagement, IFES) gave the TRACI Lecture, on the topic Peace and Conflict on 24th October 2016, at Constantia Hall, YWCA, New Delhi. Around 200 people, participated in the programme and they represented various churches, organizations, institutes, colleges and seminaries. UESI-Delhi extended its …

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TRACI Lectures

TRACI public lectures are primarily focused on the Christian community. Held usually in the month of November, we invite people who are renown in their fields to address relevant issues. The ‘1st TRACI Lecture’ was held in the year 2016 was on the theme, ‘Peace and Conflict’ by Vinoth Ramachandra. The 2nd Lecture in 2017, …