Father Stanislaus Lourduswamy – A Baton of Hope and Life

“But we will still sing in chorus. A caged bird can still sing.” Fr. Stanislaus Lourduswamy  On the Chota Nagpur Plateau of the Indian subcontinent lies a dense and rich forest track, spoken as Jharkhand. The State of Jharakhand is one of the recent States added to the Union of India, carved out of the …

Even if it may not Passover

The onslaught of the pandemic that began almost fourteen months back has created havoc hitherto unknown to this generation. The lockdown and the ensuing migration of the poor was heartrending and insensitive. Without a relief in sight, the common people were left to fend for themselves and for their loved ones. Today, situations are even …

When the Angel of Death Comes Knocking

The Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to innumerable questions. One of the questions among Christians is theological: why has it ravaged the community of faith? In other words, why are followers of Jesus Christ not spared from the sufferings of this terrible pandemic? It’s a question that sounds rather exclusive, selfish and insensitive. But it …


AS TRACI, we are honoured to publish this Festschrift in honour of Rev.C.B Samuel on his 70th birthday (23rd Aug), written by more that 20 authors from India and abroad and edited by Dr.Bonnie Miriam Jacob. Generally, “public theology discussions have primarily been the domain of the academicians or the theologians and not within the …


TRACI has just released its new Book, CLIMATE CHANGE: FAITH AND ACTION. Nine Scholars from disciplines – Sociology, Philosophy, Theology, Law and Life Science, bring in their perspective on this topic. Papers were presented at the TRACI seminar ‘God’s Humans and Earth: Climate Change and it’s Implications ‘. Edited by Dr K.B Veio Pou, English …


REBUILDING ANCIENT RUINS Dr.Idicheria Ninan The long term impact of the present pandemic and consequent measures to contain it through extended periods of Lock Down and social distancing remains to be unraveled. Though we have endured various disasters, natural and man made, never has there been such a colossal calamity! Covid-19 refused to honor national …


The theme of lament was indeed a very unlikely choice. As the year dawned, new year wishes to a friend of mine came back with a very startling and poignant response; ‘…it’s been a difficult year. I almost don’t have the courage to face the new year’. Caught by surprise though, how true he was …


One of placards held by one of the protesters in the Citizens March organized in the city on 9th January caught my attention. It said, “Will someone return to me the country that I was proud of as a child.” The words somehow resonated with me, stirring in my mind the pictures of that India …


Hi, TRACI (Theological Research and Communication Institute) invites you for a one day exciting workshop on Media & Story Telling. Aimed at developing writing as well as media skills of young people,  we have renowned photojournalist Mr. Vishal Arora as the Resource Person.Limited to just 30 participants, we welcome you to register through the link …